Neuvontajärjestöjen ammattimiesten suorittamista leimauksista varsinaisissa yksityismetsissä
Yli-Vakkuri P. (1954). Neuvontajärjestöjen ammattimiesten suorittamista leimauksista varsinaisissa yksityismetsissä. Acta Forestalia Fennica vol. 61 no. 6 article id 7418.
English title: Marking trees for cutting by professionals of advisory organizations in private forest in FinlandAbstract
The archives of the advisory organizations for private forest owners in Finland, Regional Forestry Boards and Forest Management Associations, include statistics of fellings in private forests. This investigation assesses felling areas and proportion of different kinds of fellings in 1945-1952 based on the statistics. The statistics does not include fellings where the trees have been marked by a forest owner.
The total area marked annually for cutting was in average 498,300 ha. As there is 1,24 million ha of private forests in Finland, the marking gives opportunity to improve the silvicultural state of private forest relatively quickly. The share of regeneration fellings has increased after the Second World War in many parts of the country. The result indicates that the annual cuttings in private forests have corresponded the amount of fellings that has been estimated necessary according to the National Forest Inventory. There are, however, big differences between different parts of the country.
The PDF includes a summary in German.
Original keywords
English keywords
private forests;
crop marked for cutting;
Forest Management Associatios;
Regional Forestry Boards
Published in 1954
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