Finnish inland waterway fleet in 1975. - An analysis with special reference to wood transporting vessels
Roitto Y. (1977). Finnish inland waterway fleet in 1975. - An analysis with special reference to wood transporting vessels. Silva Fennica vol. 11 no. 1 article id 4957.
In 1975 the roundwood transport in Finland, which was mostly floated in the inland waters, accounted for 45% of the total transport performance and for 25% of the total transport volume. The paper describes the Finnish inland waterway fleet in 1975. The information was collected from the material of navigation inspectors who yearly inspect the seaworthiness of the merchant ships. The number of inspected vessels was 778. Of those 495 were tugs, 118 passenger boats, 71 warping boats, and the others totalled 94. The average power of tugs was 65 kW and that of warping boats 16 kW.
The PDF includes a summary in Finnish and French.
inland waters;
inland waterway fleet;
water transport
Published in 1977
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