Koivuvaneritukkien ja -runkojen arvosuhteet.
Kärkkäinen M. (1986). Koivuvaneritukkien ja -runkojen arvosuhteet. Silva Fennica vol. 20 no. 1 article id 5261. https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.a15440
English title: Value relations of birch veneer logs and stems in FinlandAbstract
A model was developed in order to describe the peeling of veneer for determining value relationship for birch veneer logs and stems. The model was based on selling prices of veneer and other products as well as processing costs. The model was utilized for determining the effect of various input variables on the log value.
According to the results, the effect of tree size was important for the value of raw material. Even knottiness had an effect although only in the higher manufacturing costs of knotty veneer were taken into account. Pruning was a method to increase substantially the proportion of knotless veneer.
The PDF includes an abstract in English.
Original keywords
viilun sorvaus;
English keywords
Betula pendula;
Betula pubescens;
log size;
birch veneer;
veneer logs;
value of raw material
Published in 1986
Views 2914
Available at https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.a15440 | Download PDF