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A. Benj. Helander (email)

Metsä- ja kielipolitiikkaa puolisen vuosisataa sitten

Helander A. Benj. (1942). Metsä- ja kielipolitiikkaa puolisen vuosisataa sitten. Acta Forestalia Fennica vol. 50 no. 20 article id 7373. https://doi.org/10.14214/aff.7373

English title: Forest and language policy in Finland in the turn of 1800th and 1900th century 


The article is an overview of forest policy in the end of 1800s and beginning of 1900s in Finland. This is a period of time, when public opinion towards forest officers and forestry in the state forests was very critical. In 1870-1890 the discussion was also accelerated by language dispute between supporters of Finnish and Swedish in Finland. The root of the problem was in the middle of 1800s when management of state forests were gradually transferred to districts administered by forestry offices. At the same time, landless people had been settling in state-owned lands and establishing farms, mostly without permission. The questions concerning settling in state forests was often addressed to foresters in the forest offices. Several commissions discussed the situation, rights of the settlers and forestry in the state forests. The general opinion supported the settlers, and they were allowed to keep their farms. Towards the end of the century the value of state forests increased, which brought more emphasis on forestry in the state lands and restrictions to settlement. 

Original keywords
metsätalous; metsäpolitiikka; valtion metsät; asutus; kielikysymys

English keywords
forest policy; forestry; state forests; settlement; language dispute

Published in 1942

Views 2402

Available at https://doi.org/10.14214/aff.7373 | Download PDF

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