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Raimo Lehto (email)

Opetustoiminnan taustaa ja työnopetus Hirvaan metsäkonekoulussa.

Lehto R. (1970). Opetustoiminnan taustaa ja työnopetus Hirvaan metsäkonekoulussa. Silva Fennica vol. 4 no. 1 article id 4811. https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.a14600

English title: Background of education and occupational instruction at the Hirvas Forest Machine School


The share of occupational instruction at the Forest Machine School varies between 70 and 80%. The paper describes organization of the education, curriculum, teaching methods, practical training, machinery, and learning experience of the students. It discusses the influence of teaching programme, and school environment on attitudes and motivation of the students.

The school employs an adaptation of the TW I method in its actual methods of occupational instruction. The method of demonstration is also employed. The size of a training group has been restricted to 10 pupils, and the school has attempted to acquire plenty of instruction components, material for repair, and practice worksites. In this way the repetition of essentials can be guaranteed. The minimum factor in driver training is the competence to use a grab loader. In the training of mechanics the core competence is the diagnostics of defects and the making of adjustments.

The PDF includes a summary in English.

Original keywords
metsäopetus; Lappi; koulutus; Suomi; Hirvaan metsäkonekoulu; koneenkuljettaja; metsäkoneet; oppiminen; työnopetus; ammattikoulutus

English keywords
Finland; Lapland; forest education; Hirvas Forest Machine School; technical school; forest machines; teaching; learning; vocational education

Published in 1970

Views 2510

Available at https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.a14600 | Download PDF

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