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P. A. Ennevaara (email)

Yksityismetsälain vastaiset hakkuut ja tämän lain valvonnan tehokkuus

Ennevaara P. A. (1946). Yksityismetsälain vastaiset hakkuut ja tämän lain valvonnan tehokkuus. Acta Forestalia Fennica vol. 54 no. 2 article id 7388. https://doi.org/10.14214/aff.7388

English title: Fellings not meeting the requirements of the Private Forest Act and of supervision of the law


The Private Forest Act came into force in 1928 in Finland. According to the act, felling of a mature stand should not endanger natural regeneration of the site, and an intermediate felling should not conflict with justifiable thinnings. 18 District Forestry Boards were appointed to enforce the compliance of the act. The aim of this investigation was to study what kinds of violations against the Private Forest Act were found in the fellings, what were the consequences, and how the fellings were overseen.

The investigation is based on 2,477 felling inspections made by the District Forestry Boards in cases where forest devastation was suspected. The report divides the different kinds of violations by the different District Forestry Boards, years, the size of forest holdings, ownership of the forest holdings and by executor of the felling. Over half of the inspections were held on fellings done by the forest owner, 14% by the forest industry, and 11% by a broker of timber. Neglecting the obligation to give a notification of felling had increased in the period of 1929-1938. Also, the cases of forest devastation increased slightly. The report suggests some improvements in the act that would, for instance, increase activity of the forest owners to give the required notification of fellings before the felling takes place.

The PDF includes a summary in German.

Original keywords
hakkuut; yksityismetsät; metsänhoitolautakunta; yksityismetsälaki; valvonta; rikkomukset; metsän hävitys; hakkuuilmoitus

English keywords
fellings; private forests; forest devastation; supervision; Private Forest Act; District Forestry Board

Published in 1946

Views 2517

Available at https://doi.org/10.14214/aff.7388 | Download PDF

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