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Päiviö Riihinen (email)

The forest owner and his attitudes toward forestry promotion. A study based on forest owners in Ostrobothnia, Finland

Riihinen P. (1970). The forest owner and his attitudes toward forestry promotion. A study based on forest owners in Ostrobothnia, Finland. Acta Forestalia Fennica no. 109 article id 7543. https://doi.org/10.14214/aff.7543


The purpose of this study is (1) to develop, on the basis of sociological and economic theory, and of occasional observations, a frame of reference capable of providing a starting point for an empirical analysis of the behaviour of forest owners, and (2) to provide an insight into attitudes, and relate these with such general characteristics of forest owners as are theoretically defensible and supported by empirical findings.

The analysis of the results show that the more forest owners know about forestry the more generally are they willing to mark themselves trees for cutting, the more negative toward forest management associations, and the more inclined to believe that teaching forestry in elementary school is useful.

In general, it seems that the attitudes of forest owners toward forestry promotion in its »traditional» form become more negative as industrialization and urbanization raise the level of knowledge and technical know-how. However, this shift is not linear; there is first a weakening of negative attitudes (shift from mechanical to organic solidarity), while a further social change characterized by industrialization, urbanization, etc. seems to result in increasingly negative attitudes.

The PDF includes a summary in Finnish.

forest management; forest owners; attitudes; forestry promotion

Published in 1970

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