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Timo Pukkala (email)

Siementuotannon vaikutus kuusen ja männyn vuotuiseen kasvuun.

Pukkala T. (1987). Siementuotannon vaikutus kuusen ja männyn vuotuiseen kasvuun. Silva Fennica vol. 21 no. 2 article id 5312. https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.a15469

English title: Effect of seed production on the annual growth of Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris


The study material consisted of 13 rather old Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) and 17 Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands located in different parts of Finland. In each stand the seed crops, radial growth and amount of latewood were measured during a period of about ten years. Seed production reduces the radial growth of spruce and pine in the year of seed maturing. In Southern and Central Finland also the proportion of latewood is reduced. Seed production accounts for about 14% of the variation in radial growth of a spruce stand growing in Lapland, and 27% in other parts of Finland. In pine stands the seed crop explains 19% of the variation in radial growth in Lapland, and only 7% in the rest of Finland. In spruce stands an average seed crop reduces radial growth by 14% in Lapland and 5% in the rest of the country. An abundant seed production causes a reduction of about 20%. In southern parts of Finland, the proportion of latewood is reduced by 5% in an average seed year and by 24% in a good seed year. In pine stands an average seed crop decreases the width of annual ring by 5%, and a good seed crop by 15%. Outside Lapland, also the proportion of latewood is reduced: in an average seed year by 5%, and in a good seed year by 16%. The reduction in volume growth of spruce stands due to an average seed crop was estimated to be about 10% in Lapland, and 6% in other parts of Finland. A prolific seed production causes a reduction of 20%. In old pine stands the reduction is 5% in an average seed year, and 15% in a good seed year.

The PDF includes an abstract in English.

Original keywords
kuusi; mänty; Lappi; siemensato; sädekasvu; kesäpuu

English keywords
Pinus sylvestris; Norway spruce; Picea abies; Scots pine; Finland; latewood; Lapland; radial growth; seed crop

Published in 1987

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Available at https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.a15469 | Download PDF

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Skrøppa T., Steffenrem A. (2019) Genetic variation in phenology and growth among .. Silva Fennica vol. 53 no. 1 article id 10076
Repola J., Hökkä H. et al. (2018) Models for diameter and height growth of Scots p.. Silva Fennica vol. 52 no. 5 article id 10055
Andersson Gull B., Persson T. et al. (2018) Longitudinal differences in Scots pine shoot elo.. Silva Fennica vol. 52 no. 5 article id 10040
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Egbäck S., Karlsson B. et al. (2018) Effects of phenotypic selection on height-diamet.. Silva Fennica vol. 52 no. 2 article id 7738
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Hökkä H., Mäkelä H. (2015) Post-harvest height growth of Norway spruce seed.. Silva Fennica vol. 48 no. 5 article id 1192
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Zubizarreta-Gerendiain A., Pellikka P. et al. (2012) Factors affecting wind and snow damage of indivi.. Silva Fennica vol. 46 no. 2 article id 441
Nilsson U., Elfving B. et al. (2012) Productivity of Norway spruce compared to Scots .. Silva Fennica vol. 46 no. 2 article id 54
Pulkkinen P., Varis S. et al. (2011) Increasing survival and growth of Scots pine see.. Silva Fennica vol. 45 no. 4 article id 93
Luoranen J., Rikala R. et al. (2011) Machine planting of Norway spruce by Bracke and .. Silva Fennica vol. 45 no. 3 article id 107
Luoranen J., Rikala R. (2011) Nutrient loading of Norway spruce seedlings hast.. Silva Fennica vol. 45 no. 3 article id 105
Terhonen E., Marco T. et al. (2011) The effect of latitude, season and needle-age on.. Silva Fennica vol. 45 no. 3 article id 104
Jacobson S., Pettersson F. (2010) An assessment of different fertilization regimes.. Silva Fennica vol. 44 no. 5 article id 123
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