Current issue: 58(5)
The southern border of occurrence of high moors is only known for western Finland. In other parts of southern Finland the high moors are bordered with Karelian mixed moor type. The article presents observations on high moor alike moors in middle Finland. The characteristics of these high moors are described and compared with other moor types in the area.
Morphological and hydrographicalas well as vegetation related characters are presented. The most important character of the moors increasingly occurring when moving from south the north is decrease in convexity of the moor. In western part of the country clarity of raises, in eastern part of the country the abundance of large dwarf shrubs are also typical. Climatic differences between west Finland and east Finland seem to cause the differences.
Results indicate that the climatic reasons, meaning the more continental climate in eastern part of the country, is the reason that there are fewer high moors in eastern Finland than in western Finland. The areas with tendency for developing as high moors develop themselves as drier forest high moors. It is reasonable to limit the north border of occurrence of proper high moors further south than what has been done.
The PDF contains a summary in Finnish.
The study is based on the measurements and observations made during summers 1927-1929 and 1932 on South- and West-Finnish high moors. The article aims to give an overview on the vegetation if the Finnish high moors. The study seeks to answer following questions: to what extent and what kind of characters of other moor types are present in high moors, to what extent occur the characteristics of high moors outside the high moor area, and what are the typical characteristics of high moors?
The article describes the different types of raised bogs and the plant topographic characters. The high moors in different parts of Finland differ from each other with their characteristics and vegetation that they are classified in three groups: high moors in south-west Finland, high moors of northern part of Satakunta-province, and high moors south-east Finland.
The PDF contains a summary in Finnish.