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Silva Fennica vol. 58 no. 3 | 2024

Category : Editorial

article id 24034, category Editorial
Hanne K. Sjølie. (2024). Normative bias in research. Silva Fennica vol. 58 no. 3 article id 24034.
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Category : Climate resilient and sustainable forest management – Research article

article id 23075, category Climate resilient and sustainable forest management – Research article
Lauri Männistö, Jari Miina, Saija Huuskonen. (2024). How to utilize natural regeneration of birch to establish mixed spruce-birch forests in Finland? Silva Fennica vol. 58 no. 3 article id 23075.
Keywords: Betula pendula; Picea abies; Betula pubescens; mixed model; Chapman-Richards; mixed stands
Highlights: Naturally emerging birch admixture provides a sufficient starting point for mixed forest in young, planted spruce stands; Creating mixed forest is a time sensitive process, as different growth patterns among tree species might cause a situation where one tree species suppresses the other, leading to monoculture or two-storied mixed forest; Birch admixture should be retained during early cleaning.
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article id 23069, category Climate resilient and sustainable forest management – Research article
John Alexander Pulgarin Diaz, Markus Melin, Tiina Ylioja, Päivi Lyytikäinen-Saarenmaa, Heli Peltola, Olli-Pekka Tikkanen. (2024). Relationship between stand and landscape attributes and Ips typographus salvage loggings in Finland. Silva Fennica vol. 58 no. 3 article id 23069.
Keywords: Picea abies; wind damage; clear-cuts; European spruce bark beetle; stand attributes
Highlights: In Finland, the European spruce bark beetle (SBB) prefers mature stands (high age and mean diameter at breast hight), herb-rich heath forest sites and semi-coarse or coarse heath forest soil type, as well as a short distance to the closest wind damage from the previous-year, SBB damage from previous-year and particularly to clear-cuts; These stand types should be prioritised for monitoring SBB damage.
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article id 23061, category Climate resilient and sustainable forest management – Research article
Noora Tienaho, Ninni Saarinen, Tuomas Yrttimaa, Ville Kankare, Mikko Vastaranta. (2024). Quantifying fire-induced changes in ground vegetation using bitemporal terrestrial laser scanning. Silva Fennica vol. 58 no. 3 article id 23061.
Keywords: forest fires; biomass; boreal forest; LIDAR; controlled burning; surface differencing; surface fires
Highlights: Bitemporal terrestrial laser scanning provided a means for identifying surface areas exposed to fire by utilizing a surface differencing method developed in this study; The developed method allowed for the quantification of fire-induced volumetric changes in ground vegetation at high resolution, facilitating the assessment of the impact of surface fires on forest ecosystems.
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article id 23042, category Climate resilient and sustainable forest management – Research article
Johanna Jääskeläinen, Lauri Korhonen, Mikko Kukkonen, Petteri Packalen, Matti Maltamo. (2024). Individual tree inventory based on uncrewed aerial vehicle data: how to utilise stand-wise field measurements of diameter for calibration? Silva Fennica vol. 58 no. 3 article id 23042.
Keywords: laser scanning; calibration; mixed-effects model; single-tree detection
Highlights: A practical scheme to improve the accuracy of predicted tree and stand attributes in an uncrewed aerial vehicle based individual tree inventory; Accuracy was considerably improved with data from 2–4 sample trees from the target stand; Calibrated existing models and the construction of local models performed equally well; The laborious task of constructing a local model can be avoided by using a calibrated transferred model.
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Category : Research article

article id 23073, category Research article
Curt Almqvist. (2024). High stand density improves seed production in seed orchards of the masting species Picea abies. Silva Fennica vol. 58 no. 3 article id 23073.
Keywords: Norway spruce; thinning; cone production
Highlights: Cone production per tree in a Picea abies seed orchard is independent of stand density up to at least 800 stems ha–1; The higher the stand density, the higher per hectare cone production will be in the seed orchard.
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article id 23030, category Research article
Harri Silvennoinen, Laura Pikkarainen, Heini Nakola, Matti Koivula, Liisa Tyrväinen, Jukka Tikkanen, Philip Chambers, Heli Peltola. (2024). Consistency of video and photo surveys in measuring attractiveness of forest stands managed with varying intensities. Silva Fennica vol. 58 no. 3 article id 23030.
Keywords: environment; assessment; forest treatment; preference; visualization
Highlights: The more intensely a forest is treated silviculturally, the less it corresponds to people’s wishes and expectations for nature; It is possible to assess the attractiveness of nature from both photographs and videos; Evaluations from videos and images differed slightly, but these differences do not affect how treatments are ranked; Photo and video assessments are not easy for everyone.
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article id 23018, category Research article
Anssi Ahtikoski, Kari Väätäinen, Perttu Anttila, Juha Laitila, Antti Mutanen, Jari Lindblad, Lauri Sikanen, Johanna Routa. (2024). The effects of the EU’s forest-related policies on harvesting costs in Finland. Silva Fennica vol. 58 no. 3 article id 23018.
Keywords: forests; scenario approach; harvesting costs; directives and regulations; EU legislation; structural systems analysis
Highlights: The EU’s forest-related policies set direct and indirect limitations on the harvesting operations and operating environment; The effect on harvesting costs of Directives and Regulations depends on the magnitude of policy implementation; In a high-impact scenario, harvesting costs could increase by as much as 18% from the current level of costs.
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Category : Research note

article id 23064, category Research note
Henrik Lindberg, Tuomas Aakala, Ilkka Vanha-Majamaa. (2024). Ignition probability and fuel consumption of boreal ground vegetation fuels – an experimental study in Finland. Silva Fennica vol. 58 no. 3 article id 23064.
Keywords: forest fires; ground vegetation; prescribed burning; flammability; fuel moisture content; mass loss rate
Highlights: Ignition probability and mass loss rates clearly differed in experimental burnings among four common circumboreal moss and lichen species; Cladonia rangiferina was the most flammable, Dicranum spp. the least flammable and Pleurozium schreberi and Hylocomium splendens intermediate.
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