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Articles by Shinso Yokota

Category : Research article

article id 10284, category Research article
Togtokhbayar Erdene-Ochir , Futoshi Ishiguri, Ikumi Nezu, Bayasaa Tumenjargal, Bayartsesteg Baasan, Ganbaatar Chultem, Jyunichi Ohshima, Shinso Yokota. (2020). Utilization potential of naturally regenerated Mongolian Betula platyphylla wood based on growth characteristics and wood properties. Silva Fennica vol. 54 no. 3 article id 10284.
Keywords: basic density; stress-wave velocity; compressive strength; early evaluation
Highlights: Wood with high density and high compressive strength can be obtained near to the bark of Betula platyphylla trees; Basic density of B. platyphylla wood may be predicted by the stress-wave velocity of stems; Growth characteristics are positively correlated with stress-wave velocity and basic density; Early evaluation of basic density is possible when using the wood at 2 cm from the pith: A significant between-site variation was found in the basic density at the position from the 1st to the 15th annual ring from the pith; Wood from B. platyphylla trees grown in Mongolia may be used for industrial products equally to the same species in other countries.
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article id 10002, category Research article
Bayasaa Tumenjargal, Futoshi Ishiguri, Haruna Aiso-Sanada, Yusuke Takahashi, Bayartsetseg Baasan, Ganbaatar Chultem, Jyunichi Ohshima, Shinso Yokota. (2018). Geographic variations of wood properties of Larix sibirica naturally grown in Mongolia. Silva Fennica vol. 52 no. 4 article id 10002.
Keywords: natural forests; basic density; dynamic Young’s modulus; nondestructive testing; stress-wave velocity
Highlights: Significant differences (p  < 0.01) among five stands were found in tree height, stress-wave velocity of stems, dynamic Young’s modulus of stems and logs, annual ring width, and latewood percentage, suggesting that there was geographic variation of mechanical properties of wood in Larix sibirica (Münchh.) Ledeb. grown in Mongolia; Dynamic Young’s modulus of logs in L. sibirica trees can be predicted by stress-wave velocity of stems; Stem diameter of L. sibirica naturally grown in Mongolia is closely related to radial growth at initial stage of growth, especially within the first twenty years.
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article id 9914, category Research article
Jun Tanabe, Futoshi Ishiguri, Akira Tamura, Yuya Takashima, Jyunichi Ohshima, Kazuya Iizuka, Shinso Yokota. (2018). Within-tree radial and among-family variations in wood density, microfibril angle, and mechanical properties in Picea glehnii. Silva Fennica vol. 52 no. 2 article id 9914.
Keywords: modulus of elasticity; modulus of rupture; early selection; tree breeding for wood quality
Highlights: The modulus of elasticity was affected by both microfibril angle and wood density, whereas the modulus of rupture was mainly affected by wood density in Picea glehnii; A larger degree of among-family variation in wood properties was detected in juvenile wood than in mature wood, indicating that genetic improvements in the mechanical properties may be more effective for juvenile wood.
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