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Articles containing the keyword 'plant mtDNA'

Category : Research article

article id 1072, category Research article
Polina Volkova, Alexey Shipunov, Polina Borisova, Reed Moseng, Ranelle Ivens. (2014). In search of hybridity: the case of Karelian spruces. Silva Fennica vol. 48 no. 2 article id 1072.
Keywords: cpDNA; Picea; plant mtDNA; introgression; northern taiga
Highlights: Karelian spruces have morphology that is typical for P. obovata and characterized with genetic variation, described previously for P. abies; Karelian spruces evolved due to introgression between P. abies and P. obovata. However, it is unclear whether Karelian spruces could be treated as P. fennica, because unequivocal morphological and genetic characters of the latter are still absent.
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