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Articles containing the keyword 'rosewood'

Category : Research article

article id 10441, category Research article
Dipak Mahatara, Amul K. Acharya, Bishnu P. Dhakal, Dipesh K. Sharma, Sunita Ulak, Prashant Paudel. (2021). Maxent modelling for habitat suitability of vulnerable tree Dalbergia latifolia in Nepal. Silva Fennica vol. 55 no. 4 article id 10441.
Keywords: rosewood; satisal; distribution mapping; environmental variables; Maxent modelling
Highlights: Dalbergia latifolia is a vulnerable species of Nepal with very few conservation priorities; Habitat suitability modelling for this species is essential to endorse different conservation interventions; 43 presence locations and different environmental variables were retained for model prediction in Maxent; Province 2 was found most suitable habitat for the growth of D. latifolia, with western most province as unsuitable.
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