Current issue: 58(5)

Under compilation: 59(1)

Scopus CiteScore 2023: 3.5
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Silva Fennica 1926-1997
Acta Forestalia Fennica

Articles containing the keyword 'palkkasääntely'

Category : Article

article id 7442, category Article
Esko Hellén. (1954). Sosiaaliministeriön tilasto metsätyöntekijäin ansioista ja palkoista. Acta Forestalia Fennica vol. 61 no. 30 article id 7442.
English title: Statistics of the wages and earnings of forest workers prepared by the Ministry of Social Affairs.
Original keywords: metsätyö; palkat; palkkataso; palkkasääntely; uittotyö; sosiaaliministeriö; metsätyöntekijä
English keywords: floating; forest worker; forest work; wages; pay rate
Abstract | View details | Full text in PDF | Author Info

The wage problems of forest workers were first studied in 1931-1932, when the depression compelled the enforcement of a wage control system in forestry, and thus produced statistics on the earnings of forest workers. When the wage controls were introduced in 1934, it was necessary to determine wage norms on which to base the assessment on working results.

Three different norms were defined. The norm of daily earnings means the amount an adult, able-bodied, skilled forest worker should be able to earn in an 8-hour day at piece work. The norm of daily salary is the amount of a forest worker should be able to earn in an 8-hour day at time rates, and the wage norm per hour for floating workers is the amount a floating worker should receive per hour. The wages are controlled by special inspectors, and statistics on wages are collected by reports of the inspectors.

The Acta Forestalia Fennica issue 61 was published in honour of professor Eino Saari’s 60th birthday.

The PDF includes a summary in English.

  • Hellén, E-mail: eh@mm.unknown (email)

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