Current issue: 58(3)

Under compilation: 58(4)

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Silva Fennica 1926-1997
Acta Forestalia Fennica

Articles containing the keyword 'työteho'

Category : Article

article id 4470, category Article
Einar Maliniemi. (1933). Päivittäisistä paperipuiden valmistusmääristä eri vuoden aikoina Perä-Pohjolassa. Silva Fennica no. 29 article id 4470.
English title: Seasonal variations of pulpwood harvesting in the northernmost Finland.
Original keywords: kuitupuu; työtehotutkimus; hakkuu; Perä-Pohjola; puutavaranvalmistus; kausityö
English keywords: pulpwood; felling; time and motion study; labour productivity
Abstract | View details | Full text in PDF | Author Info

The fellings of small timber have been expanded from seasonal to full-year operation in many areas. A time and motion study was conducted on the felling of pulpwood in different times of the year in seven felling sites in the northernmost Finland. The work was payed per one pulpwood bolt. The output of a one-man teams was larger than 2-6-man teams. Teams of even numbers were more effective than teams of uneven numbers. One-man teams were more popular during summer. The output was largest during the summer. In the late summer the results decrease, because barking of trees becomes more difficult. Shortening of daylight hours begin to shorten the workdays in the autumn. In December, the average working days are about 6 hours. Snow and low temperatures make logging and barking more difficult during the winter. The output was lowest in January, despite that work days are 1 ½ hours longer than in December. It is concluded that pulpwood fellings should be avoided from December to March 15. If the fellings are necessary, the wage system should be changed more flexible than at present. The size of cutter’s lots should be adjusted so, that work periods are not too short. Sufficiently big lots save time spent on travelling between the sites and villages.

The PDF includes a summary in German.

  • Maliniemi, E-mail: em@mm.unknown (email)

Category : Article

article id 7322, category Article
Ilmari Vuoristo. (1935). Työennätykset tukkien teossa ja ajossa Perä-Pohjolassa. Acta Forestalia Fennica vol. 42 no. 5 article id 7322.
English title: Working efficiency in timber cutting and hauling in Northern Ostrobothnia.
Original keywords: metsätyö; hakkuutyö; hevoskuljetus; työteho
English keywords: logging; forest work; horse hauling; hauling
Abstract | View details | Full text in PDF | Author Info

The aim of the study was to determine how different factors in the stand influence working efficiency in felling. In the eight cutting areas in Northern Finland was harvested a total of 745,200 cubic feet of timber. The factors recorded from the cutting areas were the number of stems per hectare, volume of the stems, quality of the logs (proportion of decayed trees and knottiness of the trees), topography of the site and efficiency of the workers in a team.

The bigger the stems were, the better the result of the workers was. When the size of the stem increased by one cubic ft., the efficiency of the work increased by 2 cubic ft. When knottiness and defects in the stem changed the class describing the quality of a tree by one class, the efficiency decreased by 4.5 cubic ft. The density of the forest affected the time used for loading the timber for hauling. The hauling distance affected the efficiency of the team, which was usually either 2 men and one horse, or 3 men and one horse. If the hauling distance was long, hauling impaired the efficiency. If the distance was short, logging impaired the efficiency of the work. The result show that efficiency of forest work is greatly influenced by the quality of the forest, the trees and the workers.

The PDF includes a summary in English.

  • Vuoristo, E-mail: iv@mm.unknown (email)
article id 7260, category Article
I. Lassila. (1930). Työtieteellisiä tutkimuksia metsätyöstä. 1. Pinopuun teko. Acta Forestalia Fennica vol. 36 no. 2 article id 7260.
English title: Studies on efficiency of labour in forest work.
Original keywords: työtehotutkimus; metsätyö; työntutkimus
English keywords: time and motion study; forestry work; work analysis
Abstract | View details | Full text in PDF | Author Info

The article analyses the efficiency of forest work, and the use of time and motion study methods in forest work. Forest work can be characterized by little use of machinery. It cannot be repeated as orderly as industrial work. This affects also how the efficiency of the work can be measured. Only parts of the work can be timed. The study takes making of piled wood as an example. First are determined the standard times for the work moments. They include the time used to prepare the piled wood, and the waste time. It is concluded that forest work can be standardized with the methods of work analysis.

The PDF includes a summary in English.

  • Lassila, E-mail: il@mm.unknown (email)

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