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Under compilation: 59(1)

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Silva Fennica 1926-1997
Acta Forestalia Fennica

Articles containing the keyword 'xylem sap'

Category : Research article

article id 10048, category Research article
Urszula Zajączkowska, Karina Kaczmarczyk, Janusz Liana. (2019). Birch sap exudation: influence of tree position in a forest stand on birch sap production, trunk wood anatomy and radial bending strength. Silva Fennica vol. 53 no. 2 article id 10048.
Keywords: biomechanics; wood anatomy; forest edge; xylem sap
Highlights: Birch trees along the forest edge exude more xylem sap but less concentrated than the trees from the interior; Radial bending strength of wood in birch trunk is higher in the trees from forest edge; Trees exhibit higher bending strength in western side of the trunk, where the number of vessels and the wood potential conductivity index are smaller.
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It is commonly accepted that the period of early-spring xylem sap exudation marks a stage during which a positive pressure builds inside the tree trunks. This state changes when leaves appear, initiating water transport within the trunk. It is unknown, however, how the wood anatomical structure and its mechanical resistance influences the sap. We present the results of research on the relationship between exudation of sap from Betula pendula Roth trees from the interior of a forest stand and from its edge, and the anatomical structure of the trunk wood and its bending strength. During the period between March 21 and April 18, we performed five sets of measurements of sap exudation from trees at the edge of the stand and from the forest interior. The resulting radial wood samples were tested for bending strength using a fractometer. We tested the sap for electrolytic conductivity and sugars content. For the anatomical analysis of the wood, we determined the number of vessels per 1 mm2, average vessel lumen area and potential conductivity index. We found that the trees along the edge of the stand exude more sap, but it is less concentrated than the sap from the trees from the interior. Bending strength perpendicular to wood fibres is higher in the trees from the stand edge and in the western side of the trunk, where the number of vessels per 1 mm2 and conductivity index are smaller. Seemingly, this is the result of western winds, which are dominant in Poland.

  • Zajączkowska, Department of Forest Botany, Faculty of Forestry, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 159 Nowoursynowska St., 02-776 Warsaw, Poland E-mail: (email)
  • Kaczmarczyk, Department of Forest Botany, Faculty of Forestry, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 159 Nowoursynowska St., 02-776 Warsaw, Poland E-mail:
  • Liana, Department of Forest Botany, Faculty of Forestry, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 159 Nowoursynowska St., 02-776 Warsaw, Poland E-mail:

Category : Research note

article id 10561, category Research note
Urszula Zajączkowska, Piotr Dąbrowski, Waldemar Kowalczuk, Grzegorz Tarwacki. (2022). Leaf photosynthetic capacity, trunk wood structure and stem xylem sap flow in 700-years old Quercus robur L.: a pilot study upon oak ‘Bartek’, a natural monument in Poland. Silva Fennica vol. 56 no. 3 article id 10561.
Keywords: photosynthetic capacity; ‘Bartek’ oak; tree stem tomography; xylem sap flow
Highlights: Photosynthetic and hydraulic capacity of a 700-year-old Quercus robur is comparable to reference values from the literature measured in younger oak trees.
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Physiological studies of long-lived trees are particularly important at this time, especially in light of the need for trees to adapt to global climate change. The results of the present studies were obtained on an approximately 700-year-old Quercus robur L. – the ‘Bartek’ oak. The tree has to adapt to changing climatic conditions, starting from the transition between the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age, up to the present time of rapid global climate change. Tomograph imaging showed decay of the tree trunk interior and revealed that undamaged wood forms a thin layer around the trunk perimeter. Two series of experiments were carried out to assess the physiological state of the tree. The first concerned measurements related to photosynthetic capacity: chlorophyll a fluorescence, gas exchange (CO2 assimilation, transpiration), stomatal conductance and leaf water potential. The second series concerned xylem sap flow velocity and anatomical studies of stem wood. Photosynthetic capacity was within the limits reported for young healthy trees. The diurnal pattern of velocity of xylem sap flow was also typical for young vigorous trees and flow velocity correlated positively with solar radiation and negatively with air relative humidity. Anatomical observations of the outermost wood showed relatively narrow annuals rings with large diameter earlywood vessels. The results indicate that the veteran tree does not show signs of water stress probably due to a good balance of water flow and that leaf area of the canopy needs only the current ring of wood to feed transpiration of the canopy.

  • Zajączkowska, Department of Forest Botany, Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, 159 Nowoursynowska Street, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland ORCID E-mail: (email)
  • Dąbrowski, Department of Environmental Development Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Warsaw, Poland ORCID E-mail:
  • Kowalczuk, Ekosystem Waldemar Kowalczuk Tomasz Kowalczuk, Otwock, Poland E-mail:
  • Tarwacki, Forest Protection Department, Forest Research Institute, Sękocin Las, Poland ORCID E-mail:

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