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Silva Fennica 1926-1997
Acta Forestalia Fennica

Articles containing the keyword 'wood sales'

Category : Article

article id 4729, category Article
Puutavaranmittauskomitea. (1966). Puutavaranmittauskomitean mietintö : Osamietintö I. Silva Fennica no. 118 article id 4729.
English title: Report of timber scaling committee.
Original keywords: komiteanmietinnöt; puukauppa; puutavaranmittaus; puutavaranmittauslaki
English keywords: legislation; wood sales; timber sales; timber scaling; Timber Scaling Act
Abstract | View details | Full text in PDF | Author Info

A Timber Scaling Committee was appointed by the Government of Finland in 1959, commissioned with the regulations concerning the scaling of timber and to draw a proposal for their amendments. The commission suggest revision of the regulations in their entire extent. The largest alterations should be made in the act which incorporates the provisions concerning the actual technical methods of procedure in measuring. Thus, also amendments were also posed for the Timber Scaling Law and the law concerning the scaling of timber for the purpose of paying wages.

The inclusion of the setting of the grades and quantities are considered important, since most of the disagreements occurring in measuring are concerned with quality of the timber. Inside of the sphere of application of the law would also be settling of the problems of the quality, and the measuring procedure, also when measuring for the purpose of paying wages.

According to the bill, the necessary number of official scalers and scaling boards would be appointed. The duties of the present officers would be changed. In the boards would be presented sellers, buyers, employers and employees besides the chairman. The freedom of contract in the scaling of timber will be preserved from the present law.

The report includes a bill for the Timber scaling Act, a draft for the timber scaling act, and a draft for an act which includes the timber scaling rules.

The PDF includes a summary in English.

  • Puutavaranmittauskomitea, E-mail:
article id 4496, category Article
E. A. Sopanen. (1937). Leimausehdotuksen laadinnasta. Silva Fennica no. 39 article id 4496.
English title: Planning of wood harvesting in Forest Service.
Original keywords: Metsähallitus; metsäopetus; metsänhoitajien jatkokurssit; leimikko; leimausehdotus; puukauppa
English keywords: Forest Service; forest education; professional development courses; wood sales; stand marked for harvesting
Abstract | View details | Full text in PDF | Author Info

Silva Fennica Issue 39 includes presentations held in professional development courses in 1935 that were arranged for foresters working in public administration. The presentations focus on practical issues in forest management and administration, especially in regional level.

This presentation describes how to make a document required in Metsähallitus (Forest Service) when a stand is marked for harvesting.

  • Sopanen, E-mail: es@mm.unknown (email)

Category : Article

article id 7127, category Article
Jouko Einola. (1961). Puutavaran hankintakustannusten ennakkolaskenta. Acta Forestalia Fennica vol. 73 no. 5 article id 7127.
English title: Precalculation of logging costs.
Original keywords: hakkuu; hakkuukustannukset; kustannukset; kustannuslaskenta
English keywords: costs; wood sales; cost accounting
Abstract | View details | Full text in PDF | Author Info

The investigation studies the whole logging operation from the stump to the consumption. The main purpose is to obtain a maximum profit. Proceeds and costs have been studied from the view point of precalculation. First, basic costs theory concepts are introduced. Second, the role of precalculation is described and finally a survey of the practical calculation problems and its results are described.

The purpose of precalculation is to achieve the best possible total financial result for the whole enterprise. The aim is to maximize the difference between future proceeds and the costs. When an alternative calculation is prepared, as many promising alternatives as possible is sought, and the most advantageous of these are selected after a rough survey. Since contributory factors are changing, precalculation is a continuous operation.

Logging operations can be handled in various alternative ways, of which the most advantageous has to be chosen. If there is a large number of different courses of action, the target must be maximum contribution margin per time unit. With labour, too, the aim is to maximize the differentiation between proceeds and costs of a long-term point of view. A working plan of the alternative selected can be formed into a target calculation with the aid of budgets and standards. When purchasing timber, procurement plans can be drawn up and priced for each consignment, and then combined and scrutinized to give target calculations. If the factors affecting them change, the targets must be altered.

The PDF includes a summary in English.

  • Einola, E-mail: je@mm.unknown (email)
article id 7121, category Article
Viljo Holopainen. (1960). Marketing roundwood in Finland and the Scandinavian Countries. With special regard to marketing channels and trade customs. Acta Forestalia Fennica vol. 72 no. 4 article id 7121.
Keywords: forest owners; roundwood; private forests; wood sales; timber sales; marketing of wood
Abstract | View details | Full text in PDF | Author Info

The present investigation set out to find out the structures of supply and demand, channels and methods of marketing, developments in marketing methods, trade customs, similarities and differences in marketing of the private forest owners and the State, local features of the market of domestic roundwood trade in Finland, and compares marketing of unprocessed wood between Finland and Scandinavian countries. The study is based on statistics of various sections of trade and from the State Boards of Forestry.

The channels of marketing from private forests in Finland and the Scandinavian countries are different. In Norway the wood is primarily marketed through the forest owners’ associations, in Finland direct individual selling is applied, while in Sweden both channels are common. In Norway and in Sweden the forest owners’ marketing organizations were probably formed mainly to protect the forest owners’ interest in price formation. The price is determined on the organizational level, while in Finland the price formation mechanism has retained a competitive nature. In Sweden the creation of demand for roundwood has been one reason for establishment of the associations, which have established new forest industry particularly in areas of low demand.

The institutions affect also the trade customs in Norway and Sweden. For instance, measuring of roundwood is performed in Scandinavia according to detailed public regulations and often carried out by the officials of special measuring boards. The Forms Committee has also since 1950 brought significant unification in the trade customs of Finland. Greatest differences in trade customs between the State and private forestry is observed in Finland.

The producer’s role in marketing has increased since 1930s, which is demonstrated by the increasing activity in marketing by the forest owners’ associations in Norway and Sweden. Also, the relative importance of sales with contract for delivery has been growing. A second line of development appears in the more detailed norms in trade customs.

The PDF includes a summary in Finnish.

  • Holopainen, E-mail: vh@mm.unknown (email)
article id 7488, category Article
Viljo Holopainen. (1959). The concept of a roundwood price level and its determination in forestry. Acta Forestalia Fennica vol. 68 no. 6 article id 7488.
Keywords: roundwood; roundwood prices; timber sales; price statistics; roundwood sales
Abstract | View details | Full text in PDF | Author Info

Roundwood statistics are essential in a country such as Finland, where the roundwood market costitutes one of the most important internal markets. Determining the price level of roundwood can, however, be problematic due to the difficulty of the empirical determination. The main difficulties are the many timber assortments, quality differcences within a timber assortment, large variation of local prices due to variations in demand and harvesting conditions and in sales methods. The article discusses these problems from the perspective of composing a roundwood statistics for different timber assortments that would allow local and temporal comparison of the prices. It seems impossible to compose price statistics that could eliminate totally the variation in the material, transport conditions and demand fluctuations caused by technical development. However, one can suffice to a compromise that would eliminate the major disturbances and take into account other factors that are not related with market when studying the price series. In addition, the paper discusses methods for calculation of price indices.

The PDF includes a summary in Finnish.

  • Holopainen, E-mail: vh@mm.unknown (email)
article id 7484, category Article
Seppo Ervasti. (1959). Suomen havusahatavaranmyynnin kausi- ja suhdannevaihteluista vuosina 1951-1958. Acta Forestalia Fennica vol. 68 no. 2 article id 7484.
English title: On the seasonal and business cycle fluctuations of Finnish sawn softwood sales in 1951-1958.
Original keywords: vienti; sahatavara; suhdannevaihtelut; havusahatavara
English keywords: sawn timber; export; business cycles; sawn goods; sawn softwood; sawn sofwood sales
Abstract | View details | Full text in PDF | Author Info

The investigation examines export sales of Finnish sawn softwood sales in 1951-1958, concentrating on the volume of the sales. The material was collected from the archives of Finnish Sawmill Owner’s Association and the Finnish Sawmill Control Organization and the annual reports of the former. Correlation analysis was used in assessing the interdependence of the monthly sales volume and the price, and opening sales and the total sales volume of the year.

A slightly negative correlation was seen between the sale price and the monthly sales volume. Goods sold at under average prices are more abundant than goods sold at over average prices. Generally, with a rising price trend, the annual sales volume increased, but with falling prices the situation was reverse. The sales volume has been dependent on the business cycle development of prices. There was positive correlation between the opening sales and the total sales quantity for the year. The sales volume was at its maximum in the period between November and January, and at the minimum between March and September.

The time of the sales made to different countries differed little judged by quarterly statistics. It seems that the major shippers have generally concluded opening sales first. Northern Finnish shippers and the small shippers of Southern Finland have sold proportionately least during the last quarter. In general, the poorer the qualities in question the smaller on an average the proportion of opening sales but the greater the share of clearance sales.

The PDF includes a summary in English.

  • Ervasti, E-mail: se@mm.unknown (email)

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