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Silva Fennica 1926-1997
Acta Forestalia Fennica

Articles containing the keyword 'processing'

Category : Article

article id 5054, category Article
Pekka Kilkki. (1979). Outline for a data processing system in forest mensuration. Silva Fennica vol. 13 no. 4 article id 5054.
Keywords: forest mensuration; methods; data processing; multi-equation model
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This paper presents the principles of a unified data processing system suitable for derivation of the most variables of interest in forest mensuration. The precedence (succedence) relations between the tree and forest stand variables are analysed and a block-wise simultaneous recursive multi-equation model is suggested to describe these relations. Regression analysis is used in the estimation of the model parameters and Taylor’s series and Monte Carlo simulation are available in the derivation of the unbiased results.

The PDF includes a summary in Finnish.

  • Kilkki, E-mail: pk@mm.unknown (email)

Category : Article

article id 7555, category Article
Paavo Havas. (1971). Injury to pines in the vicinity of a chemical processing plant in Northern Finland. Acta Forestalia Fennica no. 121 article id 7555.
Keywords: Pinus sylvestris; Scots pine; toxicity; needle damages; air pollution; fertilizer processing plant
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The present investigation shows that injury to pines (Pinus silvestris L.) in the boreal coniferous zone (65 °N) occurs in winter conditions in the vicinity of a fertilizer processing plant, unless they are covered by snow. This kind of injury has multiple causes. Firstly, fertilizer dust discharged from the process operations may reduce the degree of xeromorphism of the needles, which further results in disorders of the water economy. Secondly, along with the wet fertilizer dust the needles absorb toxic substances, especially, fluorides and certain sulphur compounds. The amounts of fluorides, in particular, are large enough to bring about damage. The combined effect of these factors causes trees to die during winters with long periods of intense cold. It seems, therefore, that in the northern conditions pollution may have effects not observable in more southern regions.

The PDF includes a summary in Finnish.

  • Havas, E-mail: ph@mm.unknown (email)

Category : Research article

article id 9947, category Research article
Eric R. Labelle, Linus Huß. (2018). Creation of value through a harvester on-board bucking optimization system operated in a spruce stand. Silva Fennica vol. 52 no. 3 article id 9947.
Keywords: buck-to-value; processing; single-grip-harvester; product recovery; harvesting productivity
Highlights: Use of harvester on-board computer bucking optimization remains highly under-utilized in German forestry; Revenue per tree and harvesting productivity were both statistically higher with automatic bucking as compared to quality bucking during a thinning operation in a spruce dominated stand.
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Tree bucking, defined as the process in which a stem is segmented into shorter logs of varying lengths, has a significant effect on the value adding potential of a forest enterprise. Because of its importance in terms of correct product and length combinations, improper bucking can lead to financial losses. In this study, two treatments (OFF: quality bucking performed by the operator while using hot keys and ON: automatic bucking using the optimized suggestions from the harvester on-board computer; OBC) were tested in a Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) dominated stand located in Germany. Both treatments had the aim to maximize the value of a stem. The research took place in an 80-year old spruce and beech stand under a regenerative cutting. Fully-mechanized harvesting was performed with an 8-wheel Ponsse Bear single-grip harvester equipped with a H8 harvesting head. Results indicated that the product recovery of the two treatments differed by 4% in undamaged trees (no broken tree-tops or stems) to the benefit of manual bucking. However, the revenue of trees subjected to optimized bucking were up to 4% higher (in average 3%) than those of the manual bucking once expressed on a per cubic meter basis. Moreover, the harvesting productivity of the ON treatment was at the maximum 17% higher compared to the OFF treatment. Based on the results from this case study, the use of an optimization software in Norway spruce dominated stands with the aim to maximize the value of single stems showed promising results.

  • Labelle, Assistant Professorship of Forest Operations, Department of Ecology and Ecosystem Management, Technical University of Munich, Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2, D-85354 Freising, Germany E-mail: (email)
  • Huß, Assistant Professorship of Forest Operations, Department of Ecology and Ecosystem Management, Technical University of Munich, Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2, D-85354 Freising, Germany E-mail:
article id 7740, category Research article
Jonas R. Coussement, Kathy Steppe, Peter Lootens, Isabel Roldán-Ruiz, Tom De Swaef. (2018). A flexible geometric model for leaf shape descriptions with high accuracy. Silva Fennica vol. 52 no. 2 article id 7740.
Keywords: image processing; leaf contour; leaf shape; shape function; digitising; tree leaf shape
Highlights: A method for assessing leaf shape for 3D plant models is proposed; The model is highly flexible and fits a large variety of shapes; It allows analysis of shape differences within and between leaf datasets.
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Accurate assessment of canopy structure is crucial in studying plant-environment interactions. The advancement of functional-structural plant models (FSPM), which incorporate the 3D structure of individual plants, increases the need for a method for accurate mathematical descriptions of leaf shape. A model was developed as an improvement of an existing leaf shape algorithm to describe a large variety of leaf shapes. Modelling accuracy was evaluated using a spatial segmentation method and shape differences were assessed using principal component analysis (PCA) on the optimised parameters. Furthermore, a method is presented to calculate the mean shape of a dataset, intended for obtaining a representative shape for modelling purposes. The presented model is able to accurately capture a large range of single, entire leaf shapes. PCA illustrated the interpretability of the parameter values and allowed evaluation of shape differences. The model parameters allow straightforward digital reconstruction of leaf shapes for modelling purposes such as FSPMs.

  • Coussement, Plant Sciences Unit, Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO), Caritasstraat 39, B-9090 Melle, Belgium; Laboratory of Plant Ecology, Department of Plants and Crops, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Coupure links 653, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium E-mail:
  • Steppe, Laboratory of Plant Ecology, Department of Plants and Crops, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Coupure links 653, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium E-mail:
  • Lootens, Plant Sciences Unit, Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO), Caritasstraat 39, B-9090 Melle, Belgium E-mail:
  • Roldán-Ruiz, Plant Sciences Unit, Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO), Caritasstraat 39, B-9090 Melle, Belgium; Department of Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Faculty of Sciences, Ghent University, Technologiepark Zwijnaarde 927, B-9052 Zwijnaarde, Belgium E-mail:
  • De Swaef, Plant Sciences Unit, Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO), Caritasstraat 39, B-9090 Melle, Belgium E-mail: (email)
article id 1599, category Research article
Andrew McEwan, Michal Brink, Raffaele Spinelli. (2017). Factors affecting the productivity and work quality of chain flail delimbing and debarking. Silva Fennica vol. 51 no. 2 article id 1599.
Keywords: modeling; plantation; coppice; efficiency; pulpwood; processing
Highlights: Machine productivity averaged 59 m3 ub SMH–1, with a 19% incidence of delay time; Productivity increased 70% if tree volume increased from 0.1 to 0.4 m3 ub; Debarking quality was good for 58% of the trees, medium for 29% and poor for 13%; The more trees in a bunch and the higher BWBS, the lower debarking quality.
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Chain flail delimbing and debarking may improve value recovery from small tree harvests, without renouncing the benefits of multi-tree processing. The technology is mature and capable of excellent performance, which has been documented in many benchmark studies. This paper offers new insights into the relationship between the performance of chain flail delimbing and debarking and such factors as tree volume, load volume, tree form and bark-wood bond strength (BWBS). The study was conducted in Chile, during the commercial harvesting of a Eucalyptus globulus Labill. plantation. In an observational study, researchers collected production data from over 780 work cycles, and work quality data from over 1000 individual trees. The analysis of these data shows that productivity is affected primarily by load volume. Work quality is affected by BWBS and by the number of trees in a load. Work quality degrades with increasing BWBS and tree number, since more trees tend to shield each other. Tree form has no effect on either productivity or work quality. Regression and probability functions are provided, and can be used for predictive purposes when trying to optimize current operations or to prospect the introduction of chain flail technology to new work environments.

  • McEwan, Postgraduate Forest Programme, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X20 Hatfield, Pretoria, 0028, South Africa E-mail:
  • Brink, Postgraduate Forest Programme, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X20 Hatfield, Pretoria, 0028, South Africa E-mail:
  • Spinelli, CNR IVALSA, Via Madonna del Piano 10, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI), Italy ORCID E-mail: (email)
article id 1019, category Research article
Michael Henke, Stephan Huckemann, Winfried Kurth, Branislav Sloboda. (2014). Reconstructing leaf growth based on non-destructive digitizing and low-parametric shape evolution for plant modelling over a growth cycle. Silva Fennica vol. 48 no. 2 article id 1019.
Keywords: growth modelling; non-destructive data acquisition; automated data extraction; image processing tool; leaf shape modelling; reusable modules; Populus x canadensis
Highlights: A complete pipeline for plant organ modelling (at the example of poplar leaves) is presented, from non-destructive data acquisition, over automated data extraction, to growth and shape modelling; Leaf contour models are compared; Resulting “organ” modules are ready for use in FSPMs.
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A simple and efficient photometric methodology is presented, covering all steps from field data acquisition to binarization and allowing for leaf contour modelling. This method comprises the modelling of area and size (correlated and modelled with a Chapman-Richards growth function, using final length as one parameter), and four shape descriptors, from which the entire contour can be reconstructed rather well using a specific spline methodology. As an improvement of this contour modelling method, a set of parameterized polynomials was used. To model the temporal kinetics of the shape, geodesics in shape spaces were employed. Finally it is shown how this methodology is integrated into the 3D modelling platform GroIMP.
  • Henke, Department Ecoinformatics, Biometrics & Forest Growth, University of Göttingen, 37077 Göttingen, Germany E-mail: (email)
  • Huckemann, Institute of Mathematical Stochastics, University of Göttingen, 37077 Göttingen, Germany E-mail:
  • Kurth, Department Ecoinformatics, Biometrics & Forest Growth, University of Göttingen, 37077 Göttingen, Germany E-mail:
  • Sloboda, Department Ecoinformatics, Biometrics & Forest Growth, University of Göttingen, 37077 Göttingen, Germany E-mail:
article id 356, category Research article
Hamish D. Marshall, Glen Murphy, Kevin Boston. (2006). Three mathematical models for bucking-to-order. Silva Fennica vol. 40 no. 1 article id 356.
Keywords: mechanical harvesting/processing; optimal bucking; mixed integer programming; dynamic programming; buck-to-value
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The aim of this paper is to investigate different mathematical approaches to buck-to-order log merchandizing. A new bucking-to-order planning model using mixed integer programming was developed to determine the optimal production from a stand given different market constraints and forest inventory data. Three different approaches: market prices, target cutting patterns and adjusted price list were tested for generating cutting instructions to fulfill the plan created by the new planning model. The three approaches were evaluated in four test stands. The market prices approach simply applied the market prices to each stand. The target cutting patterns approach applied the sample cutting patterns generated from the planning model to the stand. The adjusted price list used a dynamic programming algorithm embedded in a search heuristic to adjust both the prices and small end diameters of log products to achieve the production goals of the planning models. The results showed that developing a buck-to-order plan is important in obtaining good order fulfillment. The target cutting patterns and adjusted price list approaches certainly out performed the market prices approach. This paper shows that these two approaches are capable of achieving excellent order fulfillment. Further development and testing is needed to determine which method is the best at generating cutting instructions for buck-to-order merchandizing.
  • Marshall, Ensis Forests, Private Bag 3020, Rotorua, New Zealand E-mail: (email)
  • Murphy, Forest Engineering Department, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331, USA E-mail:
  • Boston, Forest Engineering Department, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331, USA E-mail:
article id 629, category Research article
S. Samarasinghe, G. D. Kulasiri. (2000). Displacement fields of wood in tension based on image processing: Part 1. Tension parallel- and perpendicular- to grain and comparisons with isotropic behaviour. Silva Fennica vol. 34 no. 3 article id 629.
Keywords: wood; deformation profiles; image processing; micro-structure
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Displacement fields for tensile loaded rubber and wood in parallel- and perpendicular-to-grain were obtained from digital image correlation. The results showed that the digital image correlation can reveal fine details of the nature of displacements in both rubber and wood. It was found that when load is perpendicular-to-grain, the lignin matrix produces uniform displacement fields similar to that of isotropic rubber. Uniform displacement fields also observed when lignin is involved in contraction due to Poisson effect in parallel-to-grain tension. However, when tracheids carry the load in parallel-to-grain loading, or are compressed in perpendicular-to-grain loading, a complex displacement pattern distorted by internal shear stress and slippage is produced.
  • Samarasinghe, Lincoln University, Appl. Computing, Mathematics and Statistics Group, P.O. Box 84, Canterbury, New Zealand E-mail:
  • Kulasiri, Lincoln University, Appl. Computing, Mathematics and Statistics Group, P.O. Box 84, Canterbury, New Zealand E-mail: (email)

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